池州境内的齐山,面积约4平方公里,它与平天湖唇齿相依,山势由西南向东北绵延,由十余座高度几乎相等的小山峦组成,外形似守城的“卧虎”,但史志上又说“齐山卧地一青牛”,因山峦平齐,故称“齐山”。还有一说法是唐贞元年间在池州任刺史的齐照“惠政于池”,百姓仰公其德,以他姓名“齐山”。 清晨的齐山仿佛刚刚醒来,到处一片郁郁葱葱,显得格外精神。鸟儿在树丛中“吱吱”欢叫、蟋蟀在草丛低声浅唱,这一切衬托着山中的宁静和祥和。在“池阳胜境”的山门空地上,晨练的人们已经开始在这里打起了太极。一切显得那样和谐有序! 齐山西南的巅峰有翠微亭。晚唐杜牧在池州任刺史时慕李白诗“扶笔望白云,开帘当翠微”,故在此建亭纪念李白并命名“翠微”。 醉美平天湖Enchanting view at Pingtian Lake 南宋绍兴四年(1134)十月,爱国名将岳飞途经池州,到达齐山扎营。他戎装未解,登翠微亭,看远处山水而发出的感慨:“经年尘土满征衣,特特寻芳到翠微,好山好水观未足,马蹄催趁月明归”。这首《池州翠微亭》一诗至今已成千古绝唱。 岳飞广场坐落在半山腰,是爱国主义教育基地。岳飞大理石塑像矗立在广场正中,他一手牵缰,一手握剑,高大雄伟。附近有冶春园,园内有忠廉堂,门前两边对联概括包拯在池的形象:“照千秋,念当年,铁面冰心见谠言不希后福;闻百世,至今日,妇人孺子颂清官只有先生”。这里是纪念北宋名臣包拯的展馆,至和二年(1055年),包拯“左迁兵部员外郎知池州”。山上摩崖石刻有重要文化价值,其中相传包拯手笔“齐山”二字,被誉为齐山之魂。
The Qishan Mountain and Pingtian Lake are an integrated scenic spot in Chizhou city. The mountain comprises more than 10 peaks—almost the same high—stretching from the southwest to the northeast with an area of 4 square kilometers. On one of its peaks was carved 齐山 , the Qishan Mountain in Chinese, written by a senior upright official named Bao Zheng about 1,000 years ago. The Qishan Mountain is particularly green with fresh air in the early morning, ready to welcome people gathering at Chiyang Scenic Spot, its gateway, to play Taiji. This is a view of Qishan—the mountain is green, the air is clean, everything is serene. The mountain is more than natural. It’s cultural, too. At its southwestern peak lies Cuiwei Pavilion closely related to poets. It was built by Du Mu in honor of Li Bai, two great poets in the Tang dynasty. Then in October 1134, Yue Fei, a poet and patriotic general as well, visited the pavilion and composed a classic poem titled Cuiwei Pavilion in Chizhou, which turned the mountain into a patriotism education base.
齐山大道Qishan Dadao
传说包拯手书“齐山”二字 齐山 – two Chinese characters written by Bao Zheng 齐山池阳胜境坊 Archway of Chiyang Scenic Spot–gateway of Qishan Mountain
历史长河中有多少名士因慕李白、杜牧、包拯、岳飞而游齐山,在此发出了感叹。站在飞檐翘角、古朴典雅的绣春台上举目远望,平天湖一览无余,美不胜收。清代宁登在此有诗:绣春台上天光明,绣春台下湖水清。天光湖水互相映,人在齐山高处行…… 平天湖原名白沙湖。“水如一匹练,此地即平天。耐可乘明月,看花上酒船”。李白《秋浦歌》为平天湖定名。 平天湖的晨是美的,但平天湖的意却留给了傍晚,因为傍晚的湖里有李白诗意的身影。 游平天湖不能不去莲花台。如果把平天湖比作柔美的女人,莲花台则是她头上一个美丽的发夹。在这里能欣赏到湖中大部分美丽的景色。只有走上那高高的堤坝,才知道美丽的湖面就藏在后面。 平天湖水域面积11平方公里,是杭州西湖的1.5倍,宛如自然姣美的少女,有着变幻的美。夏天的傍晚,人们纷纷来到湖畔,大人赏景,小孩游玩,一幅生动的画卷。 2017年,央视新闻曾发起网络推选全国“中国最美赏月地”,平天湖荣膺其中。中秋之夜皓月当空,莲花台上人山人海,赏月之人络绎不绝。 齐山与平天湖,像是含情脉脉的情侣,依偎在贵池城边,给池城增添着永恒的美丽。
平天湖日出Sunrise of Pingtian Lake
Let’s shift our view from the mountain to the lake. Looking afar from the Vernal Terrace of the mountain, you can see Pingtian Lake presents itself under the spotlight with the eye-catching scenery. The Lotus Terrace is a must-visit in Pingtian Lake. It is to the lake what a hairpin is to a tender lady. Only when you’re on the terrace, can you appreciate the breathtaking scenery around you. As Pingtian Lake covers an area of 11 square kilometers, 1.5 times that of West Lake in Hangzhou, it brings us the ever-changing beauties. In the summer evening, for instance, people gather around the lakeside, wandering about to enjoy the beauties of nature. Its nightly beauty was also recognized by the central media. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2017, CCTV News initiated a network voting to elect “the most beautiful place in China to enjoy the moonlight”, and Pingtian Lake ranked among the list. On that night, the Lotus Terrace witnessed the hustle and rustle of the sightseers. The Qishan Mountain and Pingtian Lake are like beloved couples, adding radiance and beauty to each other. They also make the city of Chizhou more beautiful.
齐山、平天湖为池州齐山 - 平天湖风景区重要组成部分。该风景区除了齐山、平天湖景区,还有碧山景区、湿地景区、桃源景区,集山、水、湿地于一体,自然景色优美,人文积淀深厚。景区南连九华山,西接秋浦河,与池州古城、杏花村风景区鼎足相望,是山水文化的缩影。
来源:安徽画报 贵池文化旅游